I conceived the Financial Sector Spotlight (FSS) at the inception of the Newsday, as a column focusing on financial sector developments. The aim was to bridge the gap between banking sector professionals and the media since there appeared to be mutual suspicion between them. The then editor-in-chief of Alpha Media Holdings, Vincent Kahiya accepted the idea with some modifications and liked my suggested name, paving the way for the column to subsequently run for seven years from 2010 to 2017, a period during which I contributed no less than 350 articles, week-in, week-out. During this period, the column attracted a huge following, leading to the publication by a German publisher (Dictus Publishing) of a book called Tinkering with Decimal Places, a collection of articles with a common socio-political thread. In late 2017, I discontinued the Newsday column in order to focus on the development of this website, a proprietary platform on which there is more control of what to publish and when to publish. I however remain grateful and indebted to Alpha Media Holdings Limited for providing me with a platform on which to hone my writing skills and attract the attention of a national audience. The column continues its life as a Blog on this website with the same name: Financial Sector Spotlight, although it will now be a fortnightly affair instead of the weekly publication it was in Newsday. – Omen Nyevero Muza, January 2018.